Monday, November 30, 2009

Sick Leave

I suppose to work today but I can't. I just can't make it cause I'm sick badly. I keep on vomit and defecate just like what had happen to LJ. Same situation.. make my entire body feel tired even my head feel dizzy. Now I just know that why LJ so moody at that time. So I decided to have sick leave. I went to my panel doctor, Doc Sim this morning and had my body check up. He check my stomach whether got pain inside or not and make sure everything is ok. After that he issue a sick leave form for a day and ask me to have lots of rest at home. He gives me 3 kinds of medicines, one for vomit, one for defecate and 3 packets of ORS B Plus (Oral Rehydration Salts). Well, that's where I am now, resting at home. So hear from me tomorrow.. I'm not sure I can go back to work tomorrow or not. Please pray for me ok.


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