Monday, November 23, 2009

10 months

Oh My.. Today is LJ's 10 months old :

  1. He's 9.2kgs and wearing size M diaper
  2. He's wearing 2yrs old cloth
  3. He take a good 1-2 hour nap every morning but refuse an afternoon nap.
  4. He's mostly sleeping through the night now. He goes to bed early (because of the no afternoon nap)
  5. He is SO vocal and are constantly talking and making noise. The only "real" word you say is Dad-da, Pa-Pa(daddy) and Neng Neng(milk). But I know once he get going we will never get him to be quiet. He's going to be a talker!
  6. He has EIGHT teeth! Four on top and four on bottom. And they are BIG teeth!
  7. He never stop moving. He's constantly crawling, standing or pulling up on things. He stands by himself a lot now. When he get a little steadier -he will most likely walk. I know he will be walking by his first birthday if not sooner!
  8. He changed SO much. I look back at his earlier months and can't believe how big he is now.
p.s. You can view his growing development at here and also what kind of food he can take at his age at here.

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