Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Leanne in the baby walker

She is so sweet and always bring her smiley face everywhere she is and do. She is a happy go lucky girl. Mummy and daddy always love you in the bottom of our heart.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Guess which is Karson's paperwork...

This morning, as usual I bring him to go to school. When arrive in front of his classroom, his teacher asked me wether want to see Karson's first paperwork or not. Of course I'm eagerly want to see his coloring paper. As you all can see, can you guess which is his coloring paper?? Oh well, when I know it, I felt proud of him because with this three coloring paper, he's the best one. Hahaha.. You're right, is the middle one.

Good Job My Son
Daddy n Mummy Always Love You