Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Caroling 2009

Tonight we had christmas caroling at our home town. This year christmas caroling will lead by my ex church that is from St Anthony Catholic Church. Many different churches joining this year includes Methodist from Sarikei and Bintangor, SIB, Anglican and Catholic Church. They started at 8pm and ended at 9pm. Luckily the rain stop slowly and every most of the residence standing at the road side to enjoy the view. Yeap~ Is still rainy day. I don't understand why every year when they organized a christmas caroling will ended up with raining. Not even one time is a good weather. Maybe is year end so will have lots of rain. LJ received lots of sweets from the angel. Really nice of them. They even gave christmas cards and yelled "Merry Christmas" or "Jesus Loves You" all way long. The children are very cute with the sparkling wane, the candles, the bikes and everything. Blessed them~

Have a happy weekend

1 comment:

Daniel Yiek said...

Nice post. Rain is inevitable at year end monsoon season...