Wednesday, December 23, 2009

11 months

LJ's 11 months old

  1. He sleeps 11-12 hours at night - He usually get up once. And he take a nap every morning. He goes to bed really early - between 7pm and 8pm but he always exhausted by then.
  2. He's EVERYWHERE!!! He spends all day crawling, standing, getting into everything and exploring. He is a BUSY boy and I am one tired mum! :-)
  3. He has 9 teeth
  4. He is SO social. He wants to look and talk to everyone he sees. When we are at restaurants - he completely turn his body around to stare at whoever is sitting near us.
  5. He LOVES bath time. He always splash the water whenever he's sitting inside the bath tub.
I CAN NOT believe he will be a year old in a month. This has been the most amazing year of my life. I know that no matter what I will love him with every thing inside me and he will always be the joy of my life. And no matter what he does or who he become I will be SO proud of him because I am him mother and he is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!

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