Saturday, January 23, 2010

1 years old

My precious little Karson..
Today (the 23rd) - you will be one year old at 1:18 p.m. I will never forget that day before you were born. I packed my bag and lugged my HUGE stomach into bed and laid there awake most of the night wondering what you would be like and who you would look like and trying to believe that the next day I would finally become a MOM!
I just could remember that day on the 22nd is your due date but still you like to stay in my stomach wondering why you don't want to come out. We went to the poly clinic on that afternoon and nurse advice me to seek for doctor in the hospital to check whether you are in good condition or not. So we straightly went to the hospital and find the in charge doctor. He checks on your heart beat and everything's fine but when we go on scanning you, doctor check that you are out of water and he advices us that I need to stay in the hospital straight away that night so that they can monitor my and your condition.
In no time, I straightly went to my office to apply maternity leaves for 2 months not because I do this in the last minute, is me who don't want to sit at home waiting for you to come out. I would feel terrible and scared cause is my first experience and I don't know how to handle it.
That night is a good night, I met a new friend named Sabrina from Bintangor, also waiting for her baby to come out but still you wanna stay in my stomach until next day.
23rd morning the contraction started at 10am and I feel like you started not to stay inside and wanna come out to see us. The contractions getting closer and closer. I feel pain at my back bone and I went from 3 cm dilated to 4…to 5…pretty quickly but it stops at 6 cm until 12pm. The doctor and nurse check on me and claim that I can't wait any longer cause is too dangerous to keep you inside and better do the cesarean. So immediately doctor push me into the operation room and do the cesarean. Nearly 10 people inside the operation room and one of the doctor is my bank's customer. He even know me and occupied me for the whole operation.
Not longer than that, little Karson Lau made his appearance and the nurse quickly wipe your whole body with a clean towel and show you to me. She wanna make sure I'm still awake and confirm what gender are you. I told her is a BOY.. but then nurse show your head to me that a few injured lines on your top of your head (maybe because of pushing that you make and not I make). After that she took you out of the operation room and clean you up and I feel cold. Doctor helps me by vacuum out the hot air for me and put me hot blanket on my body to keep me warm. Then they put me into the maternity room and I saw my mum and auntie nyuk come to visit me.
I was excited and happy having the Grandparents hold you for the first time. They say that the birth of your child is the best day of your life.
I never dreamed that I would love my child as much as I love you. All my life I have dreamed of becoming a mom. I never thought I would be 23 before that dream became a reality but every day with you has been sweeter than the day before. It's been hard. You weren't an easy baby and you still don't sleep very well. But I would give up sleep forever to look at your precious face. I think you are the sweetest, cutest little boy I've ever seen in my life. Your smile is the best thing and your laugh is the best music. You will never understand as long as you live just how much your daddy and I love you.
So today we are going to celebrate your little life. You have brought us so much joy I can't even begin to share half of it. I thank Jesus every single day for allowing me to be your mom and for blessing me with you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you!

So what are you up to at a year????

  1. You are getting to be chubby! Your weight is 9.8kg.
  2. You got 11 teeth now.
  3. Your height is 81cm, head measurement is 45cm
  4. You LOVE to eat and pretty much eat everything but meat.
  5. You are so close to walk. You can push things around and walk behind them and you have taken 1-2 steps. You can get around this house fast though. You are constantly into everything.
  6. You still don't say many words. You babble constantly but mostly just say "hi", "dad-da" and "uh-oh". I know you will talk on your own time.
  7. You wave, point, shake your head no, do your hands out when you say "hi", and smile all the time.
  8. Everywhere we go people stop me to say how cute you are and I can't help but be so proud. Not because my baby is "cute" but because I know you are a sweet, happy baby.
  9. You go to bed at 7 or 8pm and sleep until the next morning but you still need some milk in the middle of the night.
  10. You take a good 1 hour morning and afternoon nap each day.

Happy Birthday to the most precious little boy I know!!! I love you so much!

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