Tuesday, March 23, 2010

14 months

LJ's 14 months

  1. I can't take a still picture in the same place anymore even though I tried which resulted in me sweating and you unhappy. It really wasn't a pretty picture. I'm sorry sometimes I think you should just do what I want instead of letting you be you!
  2. You seem to really like dogs. You are always pointing at them and love them licking you. You enjoyed it very much but after that I really need to take you a bath. Haha.. I can't stand it.
  3. You waving to say hi and bye whenever we hug you (you thought that we'll take you out to town or to your grandma's house)
  4. You are a full time walker! You haven't crawled at all in more than a week! You get better every day! You can move so fast. I can turn my head and lose you some days!
  5. You love traveling and have traveled to Chengdu, China (Dec 09) and Bali, Indonesia (Mac 10) that make us wanna take you wherever we want to travel cause we are heavy hearted to leave you at home. At the meantime, you've been so good boy for the entire journey and that makes you learn more and communicate with others frequently. So next trip will be Hainan, China (June 10) and Macau-HongKong (Dec 10).
  6. You learn how to say 'thank you' in chinese language (xie xie) whenever you give or take something from people. I'm glad to hear that cause manner is very important to me and I hope you'll understand it sooner or later.
  7. You don't take the afternoon nap and you play so hard these few days. You just took morning nap for an hour and played whole day until 7pm. Then you'll take a nice night sleep until the next day. Blessed you~
  8. You loved to eat noodles rather than rice. I'm not so sure why but when I think back maybe since I had you in my tummy I always eat noodles and this make you too love noodles for sure. Ha..
You are such a happy baby and such a loving baby!

Every night I love to just hold you while you put your little head on my chest. I try to savor every minute because I know in an instant - you'll be too big to fit in my arms and you won't want to be held anymore anyway.


Unknown said...

Awards for you..grab from my blog.

ochikeron said...

Hi! I came from jose's post ;)

You are such a great mom! Like you say here on your blog, love is patient. I always try to be patient, but I cannot, though...

Anyway, I love your bling-bling nickname! I gotta try it out :D

Ivy said...

Thanks josephine.. i really appreciate it..

Ochikeron : Nice knowing you.. I'm not so good as you said but I'm trying. hehe.. Being a mum really need a hard work as I'm a working mother and I need to take care of work and home too.
Well,you can have a try on my bling bling nickname. Kinda interesting..