Monday, July 26, 2010

Woodwards Gripe Water

Woodward's Gripe Water was formulated by William Woodward, a successful pharmacist in Nottingham, England, in 1851. It is the first remedy of it's kind to take on the name Gripe Water.
The inspiration for Woodward's Gripe Water came from the recipe a group of Nottingham doctors were using at the time to treat fen fever (malaria). The doctors discovered the formula not only treated the fen fever, it also was an effective soother of crying babies and provided relief from gastrointestinal troubles in infants. It isn't clear where the name Gripe Water originated, but it is thought that Woodward was influenced by the 19th century name for gastroenteritis, or "watery gripes."

Woodward registered the words "gripe water" as a trademark in 1876 and sold to the public by the ounce and to doctors and hospitals by the gallon. Wives of British servicement endorsed the product and took it with them to the far corners of the British Empire.

Woodward's Gripe Water has spawned many imitators, but none have proven to be as popular in Europe. It is true, the original formula for Woodward's contained 3.6% alcohol. In 1992, following public pressure, the alcohol was removed, as well as the sucrose. The active ingredients in Woodward's today are Terpeneless Dill Seed Oil and Sodium Bicarbonate. It is still alcohol free and sugar free.

Marketing literature indicates the Dill Seed Oil warms and relaxes your baby's tummy which breaks down the trapped air bubbles. The Sodium Bicarbonate neutralizes acid in your baby's tummy. It is not recommended for infants under 1 month of age.

Parents who have used Woodward's Gripe Water sing it's praises insisting every parent should keep a bottle in their cupboard. Some even give it as a baby shower gift.


Sheeq Modelesque said...

ok so your post is what i have been looking for, sadly i cannot find that brand where i am at. I live in the bahamas and it seems as if the wholesalers here only brings in the "regulated stuff" by little tummies which works but im sooooo used to the Woodwards GW i cant get it out of my head. I found some (2 to be exact) on Amazon

1. this is the one that my mom used to give me. im more familiar with this packaging

2. this is the other one that i saw with a different packaging looks kinda the same but its cheaper and i read the reviews and it seems to be just as good.

what do u think?

Unknown said...

Woodwards gripe water is the wonderful product for babies.
Baby Colic
woodwards gripe water

Unknown said...

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