I love Friday actually cause is the last day to work and am going to spend weekend with my family, of course with my little ones but Friday also freak me out. I'm working in a bank as a clerk and every each Monday and Friday, is a day I don't usually like cause is a day with most of customers. Really tired but the time easily past until you realized that you're over WORKING.. Haha~ Today I'm in BAD luck but not just me, even Canny Ling also in bad luck. She had done I think 5 error corrections that she don't purposely do. For my case, well, I'll remembered it every single minutes but I don't want to exposed in here cause a little PRIVATE. Haih~!! I just can share it with my hubby and colleagues. But after I make a phone call, luckily that customer admit what he don't do and promise will return it on Monday. So hopefully I'll get what I want on Monday. HOPEFULLY..

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